Eiffel Tower: Stairs or Lift? (My Take to Help You Decide)

Visiting the Eiffel Tower is a dream for many, but the prospect of the ascent can be worrying. Elevator or stairs? This simple question can be the source of many fears: fear of heights, claustrophobia, fitness concerns, etc. So, what’s the best way to rise to the Iron Lady’s challenge?

If you’re more concerned about which floor of the Eiffel Tower to explore (1st, 2nd, or summit) instead, click the link for my advice.



In Summary

Whether on foot or in an elevator, ascending the Eiffel Tower is a unique experience.

Going up the tower one step at a time is the more affordable option and allows visitors to admire the intricacies of its architecture. On the other hand, it requires a good fitness level, and it takes between 30 and 40m to climb the 674 steps to the second floor.

Although more expensive, the elevator ride is quick, comfortable, and accessible to everyone.

Each level offers different views and experiences: interactive exhibits on the first, shops and stores, a panoramic view on the second, and a spectacular vista at the top.

Whatever your preference is, the Eiffel Tower offers unforgettable moments and exceptional views of Paris.


Going up the Eiffel Tower on Foot

Going up the tower on foot is a unique experience with pros and cons.

Eiffel Tower Stairs
Eiffel Tower Stairs. Credits: Guilhem Vellut from Paris, France, CC BY 2.0, by Wikimedia Commons



  • You have a proximity with the structure and its riveting history.
  • It is more affordable than taking the lift.
  • There is less waiting time than for the elevator.
  • The architectural intricacies of the structure are more visible.
  • The stairs are more eco-friendly.


  • The summit is unreachable from the stairs, contrary to the 1st and 2nd levels.
  • You need to be reasonably fit.
  • Going by the stairs takes longer (30-40 min to reach the 2nd level versus a few minutes by the lift.)
  • It can be intimidating for those who have a fear of heights.
Eiffel Tower Lift
Eiffel Tower Lift. Credits: Tambako The Jaguar under Creative Commons 2.0


Taking the Lift

Ascending the Eiffel Tower in an elevator is a more comfortable and quicker alternative.


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Une publication partagée par David Turturo (@davidturturo)

Here are the pros and cons in a nutshell :


  • Comfort and speed.
  • Accessible to all people regardless of their fitness level.
  • It’s a time-saver.


  • Slightly pricier (10 € more).
  • Risk of a longer wait during peak periods.
Eiffel Tower wait lines
Eiffel Tower wait lines. Credits: Alexandre Duret-Lutz under Creative Commons 2.0
  • There is less to explore (the 1st level is unreachable by lift).
  • The elevators can be overcrowded.
Eiffel Lift
Eiffel Tower Lift. Credits: Chabe01, CC BY-SA 4.0, by Wikimedia Commons


Summary of Things to See and Do on the 1st Floor of the Eiffel Tower

  • Interactive exhibits about the tower and its designer, Gustave Eiffel.
  •  The dining area’s restaurant, Madame Brasserie, and a buffet

  •  Relaxation areas: a large terrace and the Pavillon Ferrié


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Une publication partagée par Jevgenia Prager (@jevgenia_prager)

  • A discovery tour
  • A glass floor 57 meters above the ground.


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Une publication partagée par Jean-Michel Hua (@jeanmichelhua)

Learn more on the Eiffel Tower 1st level.

Price per adult for the lift: €18.10.

  • Youth rate: €9.00
  • Child / disabled person rate: €4.50

Rate for the stairs: €11.30

  • Youth rate: €5.60
  • Child / disabled person rate: €2.80


Summary of Things to See and Do on the 2nd Floor of the Eiffel Tower

  • The most extensive panoramic view of Paris from a height of 115 meters


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Une publication partagée par Ana-Maria Agarici (@anadarie97)

  • A dining area with the restaurant Jules Vernes, a buffet, and a Macaron bar

  • A shopping area with two gift shops: La Verrière and Seine


Learn more about the second level of the Eiffel Tower.

Price per adult – by elevator: €18.10

  • Youth rate: €9.00
  • Child / disabled rate: €4.50

By stairs: €11.30

  • Youth rate: €5.60
  • Child / disabled person rate: €2.80


Summary of Things to See and Do on the 3rd Floor of the Eiffel Tower

  • Unique perspective of the city: Incredible panoramic view from a height of 276 meters.

  • A Period reconstruction of Gustave Eiffel’s office featuring wax figures: Gustave Eiffel and his daughter receiving Thomas Edison
Replica of Gustave Eiffel's office
Replica of Gustave Eiffel’s office. Credits: Aniket Mone, CC BY-SA 2.0, by Wikimedia Commons
  • A musical activity: Explore the world remotely through the panoramic maps on display
  • A memorable experience, with a slightly higher  cost (around €10 more)
  • A model of the Tower’s summit from 1889 with its original architecture and color

Learn more about the Eiffel Tower’s summit here.

Price per adultby elevator: €28.30

  • Youth rate: €10.70
  • Child / disabled person rate: €5.40

By stairs to the 2nd floor, then elevator: €21.50

  • Youth rate: €10.70
  • Child / disabled rate: €5.40